Monday, July 13, 2015

Think DSP at SciPy

Last week I was at SciPy 2015 in Austin, where I presented a short talk about Think DSP and the class based on it: "Basic Sound Processing in Python".  The slides for the talk are here.  The SciPy organizers did an amazing job of editing and posting the videos, usually in less than 24 hours.  The video from my talk is here:

And the IPython notebook I presented is here.

Mark Wickert was also at SciPy to present a related talk on "Signal Processing and Communications Teaching and Research Using IPython Notebook".  His talk is here:

One other update: I sent a proposal to my friends at O'Reilly Media to see if they would like to publish Think DSP.  They have responded favorably.  We are working on a contract and a schedule, but I am aiming to be done in February 2016, with publication in March or April.